Monday, March 8, 2010

Sometimes I remember I'm in college.....

Going to UVU, living at home and I don't even own my own car? I may as well be back in high school. I've seen more people at UVU from high school than I've seen anywhere else since I graduated. The fact that all the buildings are connected by hallways doesn't help the feeling of being back at the stupidity of the teenage days. Anyway, today I actually walked outside to get to one of the buildings in between classes. Weird, right! And I went to an institute class at the college. I go to the one in my stake so I've never even stepped inside the institute building. I went with a friend and his class apparently needed to talk about the perils of pornography.... Mind you this is a friend who we've been hanging out for like two weeks so we don't know each other all that well. Awkward!
Anyway, back on track! I'm usually at the school for about 2 hours a day, I go to class and I leave. Sometimes I use the library to study, but mostly if I go in there it's to meet up with a friend... I want to go to a real college where I can call it campus and walk outside everyday. I really don't think I could get around outside even if I tried at that place. Oh well, maybe someday I'll go somewhere that isn't a glorified high school.
And there's my rant for the day, I apologize for being a whiner, but hey, you're reading this of your own free will right?

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