Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ode to Laundry

An ode to laundry, I don't think I ever learned if there was a specific format to writing an ode so if there is you'll have to forgive the name and just ignore that it's ridiculous. I do want to pay tribute to the washing machine though, I absolutely loathe using it, but I love the way my clothes fit after they come out of the wash. I love that my jeans are nice and snug and that my shirts don't have that yucky stretched out feeling. Right now I'm wearing my last pair of pants that still fit somewhat well and I'm nearing the end on shirts. I even went shopping to try and find new pants so I could put it off a little longer, but alas, Down East hasn't gotten any new Big Stars lately... At least not the Orem store, I may have to try the AF one. Anyway, I will have to do laundry soon, but I still have one t-shirt I can wear without an undershirt and some long lost pair of pants... Oh! I have some skinny leg ones I haven't worn since I washed them!!! Yes!!!! My life is now complete, tomorrow I shall wear light colored skinny jeans and a gray Mickey Mouse shirt! I don't think I'm even out of socks and undies just yet. What was I thinking?? I don't need to do laundry I was just getting greedy for my jeans to fit well muahaha BUT! My love of fresh laundry still stands. It will always be first in my heart!

1 comment:

  1. You are so funny! Its refreshing to read something so honest and entertaining all at the same time! You're great! Welcome to the blogging world.
