Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Being the nerd that I am I turned to Google to start this post, I wanted a really good quote about not using time, but as goes the way of the internet I got too many to choose from! Here's a sampling:

-Harvey MacKay

-Stacey Charter

-H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

-Alice Bloch

They all hit me pretty hard, I've felt like I've been wasting all my time lately, I haven't. I've been wasting myself, I don't get anything done anymore. I'd never presume to say it was because I didn't have enough time, I know that's not true. I have plenty of time, I just don't use it wisely. I work 3 or 4 days a week and the rest of the days I do what?

Hmm clean my room? Nope, it's a disaster...
How about my bathroom? Nope, also messy...
We all know the answer to whether I blog...

So what do I do with all my wasted self? I sleep... Or I hate to admit this, but I play Bejeweled on facebook way more often than any normal person should.. And you know the worst part? I don't get any better!!! I just get the same scores over and over. What the devil is the point??

As I think about time and what I do with mine I'm reminded of the ever imminent approach of my departure... I received my mission call as most of you probably know. I will fly out exactly 4 months from yesterday. So using my time for facebook or sleeping is probably not the best plan. I should be studying Preach My Gospel or learning Spanish haha

I also have to give myself a little credit, for instance I have written in my journal every single day for almost a month. That is a rare thing for me and it's exciting. I also went to the temple, for the first time, a couple weeks ago and although it hasn't been very long, I went twice last week and have set in stone plans to go twice this week. Doesn't seem all that impressive right? but hey, you gotta start good habits somewhere, no?

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