Thursday, November 4, 2010

New Look

My blog has a new look! I hope you noticed even though it's been ages since I posted and you've probably stopped looking.. It's a winter themed background obviously and for those of you who know me best, you know, I'm not a huge fan of winter. I'm an extremely cold blooded person and don't like being out in the cold.

Seems like an ironic background choice, no? Let me 'splain..... No, there is too much, let me sum up... Wednesday October 27, 2010 at approximately 5:47 PM I opened my mission call to serve in the Uruguay, Montevideo mission. As you may have realized from my last post, I'm a firm believer in Google so that night before it had sunk in I Googled it, yes Googled is a verb.... Anyway, obviously at this point I had seen a map of where Uruguay is, for those who don't know, enjoy:
It's about the size of Utah, but if you notice the small star at the bottom that's where the mission home and temple are. Anyway, as I began my Google journey I did know Uruguay was in South America, what I didn't realize was that the seasons there are reversed.......... So as I leave Utah in what should be toward the end of winter, even though it will still be the dead of it, I will be going straight into the beginning of theirs. Now wait, it gets better, I'll go through that winter, have one summer then another winter there. I will come home in October and guess what will be starting here? You guessed it! Winter! Complete with snow, which thankfully, I'll be saved from in Uruguay. So pretty much I get 2 years of winter and you want to know the crazy part? I'm not scared! I know that's where I'm supposed to be and that I can deal with it or that's not where I'd be going. I'm so excited and I just want to go tomorrow! I don't want to wait until March!

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