Monday, November 29, 2010

The Sky is Falling!

I still don't know how to upload a video. My computer always hates on me when I try so here is the link to this video. It doesn't even do it justice, but it's a good introduction...

I'd say let's set the scene, but anytime I say that it pretty much means we're at my place of employment... But this particular story takes place on a chilly November afternoon 2 days before Thanksgiving 2010. We all planned on Maceys being pretty busy with people hoping to beat the procrastinator rush, little did we all know the world was coming to an end! Breaking news was a blizzard that was going to bring 8-12 inches of snow! Wait, what?? (insert noise of brakes screeching/vinyl record stopping here) 8-12?? How is this any more than a normal winter here in Happy Valley? To my knowledge, it's not, but apparently someone knows better than me and EVERYONE in Utah County got the memo. When I say everyone, I seriously mean everyone. The video shows people leaving, but what they don't show is the insane amount of people waiting in line. All 17 check stands were open and we still had lines about half way down aisles. It was at least a 35 minute wait to get to the front of the line. I worked the Express Lane, for those of you who don't know, that means come through my line only if you have 15 items or less. Heavy on the LESS! A lot of people really struggle with this concept to my never ending annoyance. With lines the way they were, though, people couldn't see the signs so they'd get up to me and be really embarrassed and apologetic and what could I do? Send them to another line to wait 45 more minutes? The evil part of me, to this day, screams a resounding yes! But, alas, good won out, I let them come through. People behind them ranting about it definitely made me feel a bit better though. Except there was one woman I really wished I had sent away when her daughter kept humming the Flintstone's theme song. I've never wanted to cause bodily harm so much in my life!

Here are some of the things people were saying:
The power and sewer are going to be off for 21 days.
uh... What?? Precisely 21 days?? Pretty sure things like that only go off when something is amiss, so how exactly is this man predicting the precise amount of days it's going to be off?

We need sand bags!!!
This woman was on the phone (which is soooo rude, please refrain from doing this at all cost!), so I didn't actually have to make conversation with her which is probably a good thing since I was hard pressed to not laugh in her face as it was. Unless she was planning on making the most epic snow fort ever, sand bags were going to serve no purpose to her.

I-15 is closed from Tremonton to Montana!
Ok, this is totally legit and I can't really make fun of this except to say, how does this have any bearing on you buying your propane, firewood, 65 gallons of water and one dollar flashlights with batteries to last 20 years. Yes, the 65 gallons and 20 years' worth of batteries is an exaggeration... But only by a tiny bit!

Now bloggers, most of you experienced this blizzard of insane proportions. For those of you who didn't I will tell you, IT MISSED US! Totally went right around Utah County! I really think we're the only ones who prepared like zealots too, which makes it that much more entertaining.

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