Thursday, May 6, 2010

I've Fallen Like a Fool for You

Also! I fell in love with a song yesterday, normal people would just post a video, but I'm new to this blogging thing and have no idea how ha. Someone teach me please! Anyway, Look At Me by Carrie Underwood. I was listening to the Play On CD on the way up to Park City with mi madre and actually listened to the words of that song. It totally describes the dating life of most single girls out there. To a certain extent at least. Why are we all so foolish??? A lot of the time we know there's nothing there for him, but we hope anyway. We read way too much into every little thing he does even when it means nothing to him. Maybe he's just a gentleman and wouldn't treat a girl any other way, whether he has feelings for her or not. Honestly, he might just be a major pig and be looking for some action, whether we want to think "he's not like that" or not, some are. I don't know if guys do this too since I'm obviously a girl and haven't talked to many male specimen about the subject, but ladies, please! No more of this insanity! I'm probably the most guilty of this and need to take my own advice, but that also means I know how stinkin' hard it is to not hope for things that shouldn't be hoped for. Anyway, that's my rant for the night, I had many so I chose that one ha, sorry about not having a video.

Look! A link! I know this video is just a montage, but there's not a whole lot better. Also, if I wasn't already determined to be Pepper Potts when I grow up, I would be Carrie! Maybe I'll be a mix.. No idea how, but hey, I can be anything I want to be right?

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