Saturday, April 17, 2010

Almost a Month???

Wow I feel it's been so long... It's been a busy three weeks though. In the space of these three weeks I've been on a road trip, babysat overnight for 4 days and become a stress eater....... We'll start with that last one because it makes me sad.

It all started last week while I was babysitting, all I ate was Ramen noodles, frozen personal pizzas, fast food and candy. I even stooped so low as to eat french fries from McDonalds. Blech. I ate Costa Vida and cereal too. This is just the beginning though, those kids were crazy and it made me frazzled. So when I got home Sunday I was pretty ok, just feeling annoyed so I decided to have some chocolate, one piece turned into two and it all went downhill from there! Before I knew it I'd eaten the rest in the box. It was a half pound and there were only about four gone... Yikes!!! So at this point I'm trying to figure out why I'm so munchy.... Then I remember the crucial element, my aunt is coming to visit in a couple weeks, she always stresses me out. For the sake of anonymity we'll call her Aunt Flo. Darn her poor timing.

The next day at work I was still feeling like I needed something sweet and decided against my better judgment to buy the delicious pumpkin cookies the bakery makes..... And ate 5 of them during my break. Sick! At this point I'm feeling like a whale and thoroughly annoyed with myself and my lack of control. Tuesday my uncle fell 15 feet so I was freaking out about that at work the whole time and had a donut and Dr. Pepper at work. I ate something bad Wednesday, Thursday and Friday too, but you get the idea and I can't remember what they were ha.

This week I've also had a whole can of Pringle's, about half a package of Chips Ahoy, I did share that with my nephews though. I also had Del Taco one day after class and last night I had a quasidilla from Costa Vida. GROSS! I've probably gained five pounds this week alone. I'll let ya know ha...

So now that you all know my nasty habits, feel free to shun me until I start jogging again and tell me I'm gross. Who knows, maybe it'll help haha

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